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modulyss Talks: Acoustic Brilliance: Navigating Architectural Soundscapes with Émilie Carayol

Join Émilie Carayol, Acoustician at Kahle Acoustics, in our webinar exploring unique acoustic considerations in architecture. From offices to auditoriums and public spaces, Émilie will share practical tips and case studies, offering insights into successful acoustics for various environments. Kahle Acoustics specializes in acoustics for performing arts buildings, covering new constructions, renovations, and conversions of existing spaces. Don't miss this opportunity to delve into the nuanced relationship between architectural design and optimal acoustic performance.​​​​​​​​​​​​
Presentation by
Émilie Carayol,
​​​​​​​Acoustician at Kahle Acoustics

30 minutes + 10 min Q&A